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Soundtrack : A Clockwork Orange (La Naranja Mecánica) (1972)

01 (2:26) Walter Carlos - Title Music From A Clockwork Orange
02 (5:57) A Deutsche Grammophon Recording - The Thieving Magpie (Abridged)
03 (1:49) Walter Carlos - Theme From A Clockwork Orange (Beethoviana)
04 (3:52) A Deutsche Grammophon Recording - Ninth Symphony, Second Movement (Abridged)
05 (7:06) Walter Carlos - March From A Clockwork Orange (Ninth Symphony, Forth Movement, Abridged)
06 (1:20) Walter Carlos - William Tell Overture (Abridged)
07 (4:35) Walter Carlos - Pomp And Circumstance March No. I
08 (1:38 )Walter Carlos - Pomp And Circumstance March No. Iv (Abridged)
09 (4:18 )Walter Carlos - Timesteps (Excerpt)
10 (1:47) Terry Tucker - Overture To The Sun
11 (1:04) Erika Elgen - I Want To Marry A Lighthouse Keeper
12 (3:02) A Deutsche Grammophon Recording - William Tell Overture (Abridged)
13 (3:09) Walter Carlos - Suicide Scherzo (Ninth Symphony, Second Movement (Abridged)
14 (1:39) A Deutsche Grammophon Recording - Ninth Symphony, Fourth Movement (Abridged)
15 (2:37) Gene Kelly - Singin' In The Rain

link: http://rapidshare.com/files/80982970/A_Clockwork_Orange.rar

Password: beniux

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